Free Store Ideas
Homework pass
5 minutes extra recess time
Choose your seat in class
1-week extension on assignment
2-minute vacation in class
Free dress day
Wear your hood up in class
Choice of music during work time
Ticket to movie during lunch
Ticket to class dance
Extra computer time
Lunch with your favorite teacher
Redo pass for 1 assignment
Pass to the front of the lunch line
Extra credit points
Positive phone call home
Choose the class brain break
Class DJ for the day
Principal for the day
Read the morning announcements
Tell a (pre-approved) joke over the intercom
Pass to eat in class
Tug of war with the teachers
Pie teacher in the face
Special leadership role (door greeter, errand runner, cafeteria leader, etc.)
Pass to leave class two minutes early
Free pass to the school game
Use of teacher's lounge during lunch
Eat lunch outside
Use a comfy chair for a day
Be the teacher for the day
Wear Crocs to school
Private lunch table
Low Cost Store Ideas
School swag
Yearbook raffle
Raffle tickets for larger prizes (gift cards, etc.)
Small snacks
Water bottle
Fidget spinners
Fancy pencil
Crock charms
Check out even more ideas in our Complete list of Reward Ideas!